Médecines douces (pratique)
La medicina tradicional i popular a la Catalunya del Nord
Maite Barcons Reniu
- Trabucaire
- Historia
- 25 Janvier 2016
- 9782849742303
L'art de curar és tan vell com el món. Fins fa poc, a les societats rurals, es tractava d'un saber sobre el cos, la ment, la salut, el visible i l'invisible, la vida i la mort, associat a pràctiques i coneixements ancestrals transmesos per via oral. Era majoritàriament el món de les dones. Per treure'ls aquest poder han estat titllades de bruixes. A tot arreu, i a Catalunya també. Als segles XIX i XX amb el desenvolupament de la medicina oficial,hom podia pensar que tot això ja feia part del passat. Però tossudament les tècniques de guarició, pregàries, medicines, receptes, tisanes i altres emplastres s'han transmès de generació a generació. El món silenciat de les llevadores, guaridores, fetilleres, conjuradores...ha assegurat la permanència de l'antiga saviesa al cor mateix de les llars... Sortosament, perquè avui dia, la medicina mateixa sota el nom de medicina alternativa, admet les virtuts de certes pràctiques vingudes dels temps remots i de les societats antigues. Basant-se sobre un llarg treball de terreny (entrevistes de testimonis a la Catalunya del Nord, 1995-2012), sobre les publicacions i els treballs científics anteriors, sobre els conceptes més contemporanis de la medicina, la Maite Barcons Reniu rehabilita tota una part de la cultura nord-catalana a través les pràctiques medicinals populars i tradicionals que ha pogut recollir i catalogar. Posa en evidència el paper de la dona, l'adaptació de les societats als seus temps, la solidaritat de les poblacions de cara als patiments, la pèrdua de la llengua i al mateix temps la pervivència de tradicions i sabers.
Caraka-Samhita ; traité d'ayurveda Tome 1 ; le livre des principes & le livre du corps
Michel Angot
- Belles Lettres
- Indika
- 8 Juillet 2011
- 9782251720524
La Caraka-Samhita (Collection de Caraka) est le texte fondateur de l'Àyurveda, le plus ancien système de santé conçu en Inde ancienne par les brahmanes sanskrits à l'aube du premier millénaire.
L'Àyurveda, qui aujourd'hui est une médecine douce parallèle à la médecine scientifique, était alors à la recherche de la santé, de la longévité et même de l'immortalité. Loin de chercher à échapper au monde comme les adeptes du Yoga ou du Bouddha, ses concepteurs désiraient la plénitude du corps et de l'esprit dans ce monde-ci. L'Àyurveda des origines est ainsi très éclairant sur la manière dont l'homme était pensé anciennement dans le monde brahmanique.
Certes, la Caraka-Samhita est un ouvrage de médecine ancienne et traditionnelle mais, pour le lecteur contemporain, c'est d'abord une oeuvre où s'exprime fortement la conscience d'une autre humanité.
Robust health, a healthy body ensures a healthy life.
Shuddhananda Bharati
- Assa
- 21 Novembre 2016
- 9782940393886
Editor's NotesHere I submit the publication Robust Health (Udalurudi) at the lotus feet of the universal Goddess with the bliss of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. This book, which includes many rare, great topics such as the body's birth, growth, organs, protection, disease prevention and cure, natural way of life, celibacy, the workings of the inner mind, the rare aspects of yoga, pranayama, practice of yoga and ways to make the body glow like diamonds, is the culmination of the author's precious experiences. Written in pleasant, easy Tamil, translation by Savitri, with scientific commentaries, this book serves also as a guide to the literature available on natural sciences.The author of this book Swami Shuddhananda Bharati is well-known to the people and needs no introduction. I am blessed that the great sage who is engaged in deep meditation, has taken it upon himself to help enrich the scientific knowledge of researchers by writing not only philosophical books but also treatises on the sciences relating to the five natural elements and chemistry.This book Robust Health (Udalurudi) suffices to explain in detail the results of the author's research experience and all reader can benefit immensely by reading it and adopting the practices mentioned. The author has also written books on geography, botany, zoology, physics and chemistry. We shall succeed with God's grace.In the first publication, we have the foreword of the famous naturopath of Pondicherry, Sri K. Lakshman Sarma, B.A. B.L., N.D. We also convey our heartfelt gratitude to the Hon. Minister of Health Dr. T. S. S. Rajan in Chennai who encouraged the efforts to promote natural sciences. Also deeply grateful to the poet Sri Desika Vinayagam Pillai of Pondicherry who gave lavish praise to this book and wrote a special foreword for it. Thanks are also due to the naturopath Sri L. Kames Vara Sarma B. Sc. Hons., N. D. (Cal. U. S.) who corrected the proofs of the first publication in Tamil with great care and Sri Ganesan who assisted him greatly in printing the images. The photographs of yoga postures in the book feature these two people. May natural sciences flourish! A warm thank you to Savitri for his translation from Tamil to English. Drawings of the author.It is a real pleasure for me to present Robust Heath to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Robust Heath to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum.Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget
In 40 tagen ruhe und gelassenheit finden, mit aromatherapie
Rosette Poletti
- Assa
- 24 Novembre 2016
- 9782889220038
Editions ASSASie durchqueren eine dunkle Zeit in Ihrem Leben, Sie erleben harte Zeiten. Auch ich habe dies erlebt und ich begleitete seit Jahren viele Menschen durch diese Zeit der Trauer. Deshalb habe ich, auf deren Rat, diesen Kartensatz entworfen, der Sie 40 Tage lang begleitet. Stellen Sie einfach den Kartenhalter an eine sichtbare Stelle, und lesen Sie jeden Tag eine neue Karte, die Sie dann, nach dem Lesen, zuhinterst an den Kartensatz zurücklegen.Einige Karten werden Sie mehr ansprechen, als andere, weil Sie eine einzigartige Person sind, und weil jedes Vorwärtsgehen unterschiedlich ist. Ich hoffe, dass sie Ihnen nützlich sein werden, um Sie auf Ihrem Weg zu begleiten. Ich habe mit diesem Kartensatz eine Mischung von feinsinnigen, ätherischen Ölen in Form von einem Spray integriert, damit Sie sich mit sanftmütigen Energien umgeben.Ich wünsche Ihnen, zu glauben, dass das, was Sie erleben ein Ende repräsentiert, aber, dass dies nicht Das Ende ist. Es gibt immer ein Licht am Ausgang des Tunnels.Ganz freundliche Grüsse,Rosette Poletti
From natural medecine to a medecine of the individual
Gérard Guéniot
- Amyris
- 1 Mai 2011
- 9782930353913
The real mission of the therapist is to serve. « He imposes nothing, but he is happy to propose: through his knowledge of natural laws, based on observation and confirmed by intuition, he shows to the person seeking his help, how to follow his own path by adapting the physical, biological and mental needs to his own capacities and to his project. It is in love that this mission is made, real and noble love with the purpose to be useful to the other person: useful to his body which must be respected, useful to his mental which must be free, useful to his spirit which must be inspired ». It is in these terms that Gérard Guéniot defined his mission as a therapist.
He was one rare doctor who « dared » to speak about the soul, about the spirit, about the inner being who is in each of us and who has, throughout life, a path to travel and challenges to meet. Isn't human being a whole? Proud and tireless defender of Homeopathy and Acupuncture, he gradually became the promoter of a concept of Natural Medicine. The idea was to synthesize all the existing notions and to unite all the natural practices of health by giving them a common base.
This book is about the simple and elementary, but fundamental aspects, of natural laws which govern the organism and which are necessary to know in order to restore health. Because health depends on these fundamental criteria of functioning, which arise from nature and the simple laws which explain the physiology of the bodies of gross material. To preserve health therefore consists in gathering all the conditions essential for the harmonious functioning of the organism.
This book addresses all the therapists who have « a consciousness of the limits of the current choices and the urgency to change. It does not address the intellect of the reader but rather his intuition which, only, can allow him to know if the developed orientations are real, because the Truth is simple provided that we want to look for it ». And also to the reader « who has the desire to manage his health better and who is conscious that the body is a noble gift which must be protected and maintained in balance ». He will find in this book « the knowledge of the harmonious functioning of the various bodies and the means to take control of his health; that is to be responsible for it ».?
Phytembryotherapy ; the embryo of gemmotherapy
Franck Ledoux, Gérard Guéniot
- Amyris
- Primum Non Nocere
- 1 Avril 2012
- 9782875520067
To write an entire book on the subject of buds in phytotherapy may seem a little insane, even presumptuous. However, this challenge has been achieved in order to understand that non-specific original medicines are often the most powerful and least aggressive for humans.
Medicine of the twentieth century has staked everything on ultra specific molecular chemical therapies or genetic manipulations. The more drugs are specific; the more side effects are important and toxic. The new era of the twenty-first century holds the promise of energetic techniques oriented toward quantum physics, among others.
Phytembryotherapy or the therapy of vegetal buds is based on the fundamental principle of using undifferentiated remedies, non aggressive and non toxic; they are all derived from the embryonic tissue of plants.
The different buds used in phytembryotherapy are studied with their actions on the physical, biological and psychological level, according to a classification of plants based on their order of appearance on earth. Then, an original way to use them is presented under the form of complexes.
Treatise on gemmotherapy ; the therapeutic use of buds
Philippe Andrianne
- Amyris
- 1 Septembre 2012
- 9782875520128
Men have to learn from trees in the conduct of their lives. If man is interested in the profound nature of the tree, it will in turn, not only by analogy, open the way to his own understanding of human nature, but also always bring us back to ourselves and to the essential! Gemmotherapy, also called "Medicine of the buds" forms a part of phytotherapy still largely unknown to the public due to lack of accessible publications on the subject.
This treatise shows the many similarities between a tree and a human being: embryologic, symbolic and energetic but also physiologic and therapeutic. It summarizes the known medicinal properties of each bud. To do this, a computerized compilation of all the properties mentioned in literature was undertaken based on the reference publications in gemmotherapy.
This computerized tool allows to theoretically associate several buds to determine the most effective combination for the organism. This opens perspectives for the development of integrated gemmotherapy: the combination of different bud extracts with each other, with nutrients and with various extracts.
May this synthesis work contribute to the development of gemmotherapy that will be part of the medicines of the Third Millennium.?
Aditivos nocivos ; esos que deben evitarse a toda costa
Charles Wart
- Amyris
- 1 Mai 2011
- 9782930353906
Guía de bolsillo sencilla y práctica, presentada por temas alimentarios...
A la hora de comprar, rechace los aditivos nocivos y opte por marcas que garanticen una alimentación más sana...
Con el fin de que la conciencia y la responsabilidad sean las consignas para su salud.
Incluye una lupa.
Dieta reiki ; perdere peso come le star di Hollywood
Angela Glaser
- Books On Demand
- 8 Novembre 2020
- 9782322257720
Qualche anno fa, un'emittente privata tedesca mostrò in una trasmissione che, con il Reiki, Christina Aguilera era calata di peso. Questo ha fatto salire alle stelle le richieste per la mia pratica Reiki. Molte persone che avevano provato di tutto, ma ancora non avevano sotto controllo il proprio peso, volevano emulare la star. Nel frattempo, molti dei miei clienti avevano avuto effettivamente successo nel ridurre il loro peso significativamente attraverso la dieta Reiki. La maggior parte di esse è stata anche in grado di mantenere il peso che aveva raggiunto. Questo libro è per coloro che soffrono di obesità e dimostra come possono ridurre il loro peso nel lungo termine. Allo stesso tempo, voglio mostrare questo cammino anche ad altri maestri Reiki. Sono convinta che tu puoi usare questo sistema per aiutare molte persone a raggiungere il proprio peso ideale.
Radice di astragalo ; segreto anti-invecchiamento svelato dopo 2000 anni
Peter carl Simons
- Books On Demand
- 17 Novembre 2020
- 9782322259052
Nonostante i progressi di oggi, le persone invecchiano. Gli anni passano e il tempo prende il sopravvento e sembra che l'invecchiamento sia praticamente inevitabile... Ma se non fosse così? Potremmo non essere capaci di fermare il tempo, ma se potessimo rallentare o addirittura invertire gli effetti dell'invecchiamento?
Molto tempo fa gli uomini e le donne dotati di saggezza avevano dei segreti che sono stati riscoperti solo ora, piante e metodi per aumentare la longevità e la vitalità. La scienza ha dimostrato che questi metodi e segreti sono ancora validi e disponibili come allora, e la radice di Astragalo è in cima alla piramide di segreti anti-invecchiamento. Questa guida approfondisce in maniera straordinaria questa pianta miracolosa, analizzandone i suoi usi, l'applicazione e i benefici. La storia è accompagnata da ricerche recenti e da fatti scientifici affidabili che possono essere verificati.
L'antica saggezza e la scienza moderna stanno aprendo le porte ad un futuro più luminoso e giovane - a partire da adesso.
Introducció a la Reflexologia : i aplicació domèstica
Anna Orenchi pellicer
- Books On Demand
- 21 Mars 2022
- 9782322377459
Us presento una introducció a la Reflexologia podal, per a practicar-la dins l'àmbit domèstic. Aqui descobrireu la història d'aquesta pràctica, els seus principis, la localització dels punts reflexes als peus, les precaucions i un protocol de base. D'aquesta manera podreu esbrinar si el massatge reflexe és el vostre cami professional.
This book on periodontitis is the fruit of the experience of one man, research scientist and dentist, on a quest to discover the bacteria and parasites that colonize the mouth.
Mark Bonner blames the painful ignorance of people suffering from this insidious infection. Using a revolutionary and scientifically-sound method described passionately, he demonstrates that smiles and solid teeth can be brought back. It's essential for modern dental surgeons to become «mouth doctors» once again given that tooth loss is not a fatality.
This book targets the general public, its well-being depends on it, and all dental therapists who want to heal their patients. It provokes thinking and wins people over with its infectious good spirits and need to convince. This book is straightforward, witty, delectable and spontaneous, and can be read by all with great enthusiasm.
Grow organic in comics
Karel Schelfhout, Michiel Panhuysen, Denis Lelièvre
- Mamaeditions
- Graphics
- 27 Novembre 2019
- 9782845942974
Welcome to a more ecologically balanced way of growing! With plenty of humor and lots of precise details, this book shows you how to create and maintain a well-designed, eco-responsible garden.
You'll learn everything you need to know about compost, plant propagation, and the little creatures and practices that contribute to the well-being of plant and planet alike - practices designed for growing delicious, healthful fruit and vegetables, as well as superb flowers.
Bokashi and biodynamic composting, permaculture, vortex, bioponics, and a host of other terms and techniques appear in vivid, practical detail.
Based on the work of Karel the Gardener, Pic's illustrations highlight the very essence of gardening: delight. First, the delight of enjoying the book! Then the delight of cultivating, watching things grow, harvesting, and savoring. And finally, the delight of knowing that all of these techniques help protect the planet.
A vast compendium of innovative methods and tried-and-true gardening advice, this effervescent guide is a must for any gardener who wishes to grow in good conscience.
Aromaterapia ; el arte de curar con aceites esenciales
Dominique Baudoux
- Amyris
- 1 Octobre 2013
- 9782875520616
Dominique Baudoux, heredero de la mentalidad oficinal y familiar de varias generaciones de farmacéuticos, abandonó el camino que tenía trazado para centrar su profesión en una ciencia médica natural, de auge y éxito indiscutibles: la aromaterapia.
Desde el primer contacto con esta ciencia, se quedó sorprendido con los potentes efectos de estos activos aromáticos, que recomienda a sus pacientes quienes, a su vez, le sacan muchísimo provecho. Son materia prima bioquímica pero también energética, vibración e incluso información. Es un hecho simple y evidente: los aceites esenciales cuidan y curan cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Tres en uno y las esencias de las plantas aromáticas se convierten en lo más poderoso de la naturaleza, a disposición de todo ser vivo en el planeta Tierra.
Gracias a su amplia experiencia en este ámbito, Dominique Baudoux se ha convertido en un farmacéutico aromatólogo líder mundial en este enfoque no convencional. Presidente de Pranarôm y escritor, Dominique Baudoux imparte conferencias por el mundo entero y nos presenta en esta obra las bases para utilizar de una manera fácil y eficaz esta ciencia milenaria con el fin de poder disfrutar de nuevo de un perfecto estado de salud bañado de fragancias ricas y profundas.
Sophrology for Beginners : Simple techniques for relaxation and wellbeing
- 50Minutes.Com
- 26 Novembre 2018
- 9782808011310
Change is only 50 minutes away! Find out everything you need to know about sophrology with this straightforward guide.
Sophrology is a powerful tool for promoting physical and mental health, and can be used for a range of purposes, from treating stress and insomnia to preparing for surgery or childbirth. The discipline was developed by the Colombian psychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo in the 1960s, and its popularity has risen steadily ever since. With this guide, you can quickly gain an understanding of its basic principles and applications and see the benefits for yourself!
In just 50 minutes you will be able to:
-Understand the history and key principles of sophrology
-Find out how sophrology can help you in various areas of your life
-Practise some simple sophrology exercises at home
The Health and Wellbeing series from the 50Minutes collection is perfect for anyone looking to be healthier and happier in their personal life. Our guides cover a range of topics, from social anxiety to getting ready for a new baby, and provide simple, practical advice and suggestions to allow you to reduce stress, strengthen your relationships and increase your wellbeing. -
Change is only 50 minutes away! Find out everything you need to know about essential oils with this straightforward guide.Humans have used aromatherapy to improve their health, purify their living environments and enhance their religious ceremonies since the dawn of history, but in the modern era, this practice has fallen by the wayside. Essential oils are a key component of aromatherapy, and learning how you can start using them in your everyday life is a quick, safe and effective way of boosting your wellbeing and making the most of the natural resources our world has to offer.In just 50 minutes you will be able to:-Discover the history of essential oils-Learn about the useful properties of a wide variety of essential oils-Find out how you can start using essential oils on a daily basisABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | HEALTH AND WELLBEINGThe Health and Wellbeing series from the 50Minutes collection is perfect for anyone looking to be healthier and happier in their personal life. Our guides cover a range of topics, from social anxiety to getting ready for a new baby, and provide simple, practical advice and suggestions to allow you to reduce stress, strengthen your relationships and increase your wellbeing.
Medical Cannabis ; From Marijuana to Synthetic Cannabinoids
- Mamaeditions
- 22 Juin 2015
- 9782845941298
Written by highly respected international specialists, it answers the most frequently asked questions about this unusual plant medicine, including : The diseases that can be helped or even healed by marijuana, and the ways in which the human body can absorb it. Where to obtain legal medical cannabis, and instructions on how to «grow your own» if it is unavailable for purchase. The respective medical attributes of THC and CBD, and the history of different marijuana svarieties. The latest legislation in different parts of the world. The available pharmaceutical medications derived from marijuana, or from synthetic cannabinoids. The history of marijuana usage around the world, including legal purchase in the Dutch Coffee Shops. This richly illustrated book provides a practical overview of therapeutic marijuana. With clarity and humor, it also offers an understanding of the complex issues surrounding this fascinating plant: Cannabis sativa L.